FireDOC Search

Tartarini, P. | diMarzo, M.
Solid-Liquid Interfacial Conditions for Dropwise Evaporative Cooling.
Maryland Univ., College Park
Heat and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3/4, 130-144, 1992
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
ATTI. National Congress on Heat Transfer, 9th. Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Genova, Italy. March 13-14, 1991, Genova, Italy, 61-75 p., 1992
droplets | evaporation cooling | solid surfaces | sprays | hot surfaces | algorithms | equations | formulations
boundary conditions; thermal behavior
A theoretical research is carried out to describe the thermal behavior of a solid surface subjected to droplet evaporative cooling. The objective of this study is the analysis of various simplified boundary conditions which can be used to generate predictions of the thermal behavior of the solid surface. This study is part of a more general research conducted in order to individuate the global cooling effect of a spray impinging a hot solid surface. A number of numerical algorithms are used to obtain solutions of the governing equations for the various cases examined. Results are presented for the different boundary conditions.