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Guenett, C. C. | Wighus, R.
In-Situ Burning of Crude Oil and Emulsions in Broken Ice.
SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway
NIST SP 995; Volume 2, March 2003,
Book or Conf
Environment Canada. Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, 19th. Volume 2. Proceedings. June 12-14, 1996, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Alberta, Canada, 895-906 p., ['1996', '2003']
oil spills | in situ burning | crude oil | experiments | combustion | flame spread
frozen fjord on Spitsbergen, Norway; conducting in-situ burning operations in a marginal ice zone; large scale burns (r to 10 m³ in oil volume); fresh and emulsified crude oil in a 15 m diameter basin partially filled with ice; crude oil at various degess of evaporation and emulsification to study flame spreading; initial properties of Statfjord crude oil; summary of burning of oil in ice experiments