- Author
- Tekcan, A. I. | Ece, B. | Gulgoz, S. | Er, N.
- Title
- Autobiographical and Event Memory for 9/11: Changes Across One Year.
- Coporate
- University, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
- Journal
- Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1057-1066, November/December 2003
- Keywords
- World Trade Center | terrorists | terrorism | psychological effects | questionnaires | pattern recognition
- Identifiers
- World Trade Center (110-story-high) Towers, Manhattan, New York, September 11, 2001; durability of autobiographical memory for public events; accuracy of autobiographical memory for public events; effects of psychological distance; flashbulb memory; 483 participants (158 male, 316 female, 9 not reported) filled out the flashbulb memory questionnaire; distribution of participants according to testing times; memory at 3 days, 6 months, and 1 year; mean autobiographical memory scores (Range=0-2), mean Weighted Attribute Scores (WAS; Range=0-7) and mean accuracy scores for event memory (Range=0-2) at three time lags; means and standard deviations for consistency scores for autobiographical and event memory (Range=0-2); consistency of autobiographical and event memory; psychological distance