- Author
- Pizzo, Y. | Consalvi, J. L. | Porterie, B.
- Title
- Transient Pyrolysis Model Based on the B-Number for Gravity-Assisted Flame Spread Over Thick PMMA Slabs. Brief Communications.
- Coporate
- IUSTI/UMR CNRS 6595, 13453 Marseille cedex 13, France IRSN/DPAM, Cadarache, 13115 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance cedex, France
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 156, No. 9, 1856-1859, September 2009
- Keywords
- polymethyl methacrylate | pyrolysis | flame spread | gravity | mass transfer | experiments | equations | burning rate | validation