- Author
- Kose, S.
- Title
- Emergence of Aged Populace: Who is at Higher Risk in Fires?
- Coporate
- Building Research Inst., Tokyo, Japan
- Book or Conf
- University of Ulster and Fire Research Station. CIB W14: Fire Safety Engineering. International Symposium and Workshops Engineering Fire Safety in the Process of Design: Demonstrating Equivalency. Part 1. Symposium: Engineering Fire Safety for People With Mixed Abilities. September 13-16, 1993, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, 59-64 p., 1993
- Keywords
- fire safety | handicapped | statistics | elderly persons
- Identifiers
- persons with disabilities "invisible to mainstreamed"; rapid increase in life expenctancy and decreasing birth rate; reconstructing the aged persons' capabilities; impact of growing 'disabled' population on fire safety