- Author
- Grayson, S. J. | VanHees, P. | Green, A. M. | Breulet, H. | Vercellotti, U.
- Title
- Assessing the Fire Performance of Electric Cables (FIPEC).
- Coporate
- Interscience Communications Ltd., UK SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden Fire Testing Technology Ltd., UK ISSeP, Belgium CESI, Italy
- Journal
- Fire and Materials, Vol. 25, No. 2, 49-60, March/April 2001
- Book or Conf
- Flame Retardants 2000. (Flame Retardants '00) 9th Conference Proceedings. British Plastics Federation and Interscience Communications in collaboration with the Association of Plastics Manufacturers, European Flame Retardant Association and the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. February 8-9, 2000, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, London, England, 239-255 p., ['2001', '2000']
- Keywords
- electrical cables | small scale fire tests | cone calorimeters | scenarios | flame spread | heat release rate | standards | smoke production
- Identifiers
- flame spread characteristics in real scale tests; parameters measured in some of the real-scale tests; full-scale test repeatability and reproducibility study; small-scale cable tests to determine the essential parameters