- Author
- International Code Council
- Title
- International Building Code 2009.
- Coporate
- International Code Council, Falls Church, VA
- Distribution
- AVAILABLE FROM: International Code Council, Inc., 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 708, Falls Church, VA 22041-3401. Telephone: 703-931-4533, Fax: 703-379-1546, Website: http://www.iccsafe.org Visit: http://www.ecodes.biz for complete subscription information and free downloads of FEMA documents
- Book or Conf
- International Building Code 2009. Published in cooperation with Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., International Conference of Building Officials and Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., International Code Council, Falls Church, VA, 2009
- Keywords
- building codes | fire codes | occupants | high rise buildings | building construction | fire resistance ratings | interior finishes | fire protection | egress | walls | roofs | structural design | inspection | concretes | aluminum | masonry | steels | wood | glass | glazing materials | gypsum board | plaster | plastics | plumbing | elevators (lifts) | construction | structures | standards | agriculture
- Identifiers
- administration; definitions; use and occupancy classifications; special detailed requirements based on use and occupancy; general building heights and areas; fire resistance rated construction; accessibility; interior environment; energy efficiency; roof assemblies and rooftop structures; structural tests and special inspections; soil and foundations; electrical systems; mechanical systems; elevators and conveying systems; encroachments into the public right-of-way; safeguards during construction; employee qualifications; fire districts; rodent roofing; flood resistant construction; signs; patio covers
- Abstract
- The scope of this code covers all buildings except detached one and two family dwellings and townhouses not more than 3 stories in height. This comprehensive code features time-tested safety concepts, structural, and fire and life safety provisions covering means of egress, interior finish requirements, comprehensive roof provisions, seismic engineering provisions, innovative construction technology, occupancy classifications, and the latest industry standards in material design. It is founded on broad-based principles that make possible the use of new materials and new building designs.