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U.S. General Accounting Office
Navy Laboratories: Plans for Consolidation and Progress Toward Implementation.
General Accounting Office, Washington, DC
GAO/NSLAD-93-160, June 1993, 50 p.
government buildings | budgets
consolidation; implementation
The November 18, 1991, conference report on the Department of Defense's (DOD) fiscal year 1992 Appropriations Act required us to study and report on DOD's plans to consolidate its defense research and development laboratories, with special emphasis on naval research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E); engineering; and fleet support activities. This report discusses issues as agreed with your staff: (1) the Navy's consolidation planning process and its initial plan, (2) the Navy's implementation of the plan and status of consolidation, and (3) the impact of consolidation on Navy programs. In April 1993, we issued a report on the consolidation of Army RDT&E laboratories. Because there were no Air Force RDT&E activities recommended for closure or realignment by the 1991 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, we did not review Air Force RDT&E consolidation efforts.