FireDOC Search

Guo, H. | Liu, F. | Smallwood, G. J. | Gulder, O. L.
Numerical Study on the Influence of Hydrogen Addition on Soot Formation in a Laminar Ethylene-Air Diffusion Flame.
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario Toronto Univ., Ontario, Canada
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 145, No. 1/2, 324-338, April 2006
laminar flames | diffusion flames | ehtylene | soot formation | air | fuels | hydrogen | coflow flames | simulation | equations | atmospheric pressure | helium | thermal properties | transport properties
detailed gas-phase reaction mechanism; aromatic chemistry up to four rings; predicted and measured soot volume fractions (ppm) of pure ethylene flame; integrated soot volume fractions for three flames; normalized maximum soot volume fraction versus the fraction of diluent; radial distributions of soot volume fraction; radial distributions of soot nucleation rate; radial distributions of surface growth rate