FireDOC Search

Gowecke, K.
Brandverhalten von Pkw nach Verkehrsunfällen. [Fire Behavior of Cars After Traffic Accidents.]
VFDB, No. 3, 111-124, February 1994
automobiles | fire behavior | accidents | fire safety | fire spread | fire departments | first aid
In this article the fire behavior of cars after traffic accidents are extensively dealth with. At first the fire safety of cars is looked at according to safety precautions of used materials and construction units. The execution and aims of crash-tests are shortly mentioned. Besides a systematical description of fires on vehicles the typical ignition process and fire spread are described for a car on fire after a crash. The meaning of mechanic effects, fire smoke and thermal influences for the injured pasenger are shown. Passengers, who cannot rescue themselves out of the car after a crash, need help fast. Therefore the time until eht fire services come into action has to be bridged by first-aid helpers. This part of the article especially deals with such operations. Especially to compare the standards in Germany and Britain statistics and tests of fire services, the Bundesamt für Strabßenwesen (Federal Institution of Road Matters) and the Verband ker Kraftfahzeungversicherer (Association of Car Insurances [HUD]) and other institutions are interpreted and the results are compared with a study from 1991 ofd the Association of British Fire Officers (CACFOA).