FireDOC Search

Pastor, E. | Zarate, L. | Planas, E. | Arnaldos, J.
Mathematical Models and Calculation Systems for the Study of Wildland Fire Behavior.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Vol. 29, No. 2, 139-153, 2003
wildland fires | fire bheavior | mathematical models | surface fires | crown fires | ground fires | spotting | simulation | fire spread | fire models | computation | classifications | computer programs
Behave (FBP and fuel modelling system); FBP System; FireLab (problem solving environment); Nexus (fire behaviour and hazard assessment system); CSIRO fire calculator (fire danger and fire spread calculator); classification of surface fire spread models; features of new theoretical models; classification of crown fire models (1957-2000); classification of spotting models (1967-2000); submodels which make up the Albini model; submodels which make up the Woycheese et al.'s model; computer software for wildland fire calculation; main features of simulation techniques; computer softwares for wildland fire calculation that run with GIS