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Cooke, P. W. | Eisenhard, R. M.
Building Energy Conservation Programs: A Preliminary Examination of Regulatory Activities at the State Level.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Federal Energy Administration, Washington, DC Energy Research and Development Admin., Washington, DC
NBSIR 77-1259, June 1977, 124 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
energy conservation | legislation | regulations | enforcement | solar energy | standards | state-of-the-art study
Background information on the current regulatory status and degree of implementation of building energy conservation programs at the State level are described, including those programs dealing with solar energy. The objective of the study is to provide the Federal Energy Administration (FEA) with a data base of standards implementation experience. This data base can be drawn upon to promote utilization of building thermal efficiency standards on a uniform basis throughout the country. From information collected in a survey of twenty-one selected States, the survey report presents the current state-of-the-art on common problems experienced at the State level in the promulgation and implementation of building energy conservation regulations. Based on these findings, several types of assistance that could facilitate the orderly adoption and implementation of uniform standards are identified.