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Czarnecki, L. | Garbacz, A. | Lukowski, P. | Clifton, J. R.
Polymer Composites for Repairing of Portland Cement Concrete: Compatibility Project.
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NISTIR 6394, November 1999, 87 p.
AVAILABLE FROM National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone: 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000; Fax: 703-605-6900. Website:
portland cement | concretes | composite materials | compatibility | polymer composite | repair materials
The impetus for this project has been the continuing deterioration of, and the necessity to repair, a large stock of concrete structures. A two-component system, portland cement concrete (substrate) in contact with a polymer composite (repair), is produced as the result of a repair. The reliability and durability of a repaired concrete structure and its remaining service life depends, to a great degree, on the behavior of the repair material, which is controlled by the compatibility between the two materials making up the repair system. The main scientific objective of this project has been the analysis and prediction of this compatibility using the compatibility space concept, which is defined mathematically, with the aim of understanding the nature of the two-component repair system. The engineering objective has been to develop a useful computational tool for predictions of the behavior and effectiveness of polymer composite-portland cement concrete systems so as to select the proper repair/protective materials for a specific application. The compatibility space can also be analyzed to help predict the properties that will be needed by new materials. Results of the project are presented in this report, and in the Compatibility Computer System (CCS), whose User's Manual has been published as an appendix to this report. A second appendix contains a list of the 17 publications that were presented at international forums in English and Polish and published in proceedings and journals during the project. The project's results are in general accord with worldwide scientific and engineering activities in repair materials. e.g., U.S. Research Program on Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation (ReMR), European Standard Activity on products and system for the protection and repair of concrete structures (ENV 1504 - pending) as well as the periodic meetings of the International Colloquium on Materials Science and Restoration.