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National Institute of Standards and Technology | NIST News Clips
What We Learned About Tall Buildings From the World Trade Center Collapse. High-Rises Remain Vulnerable After 9/11. Congress Grants NIST Investigative Powers. House Backs Federal Panel to Study Building Disasters. Congress Looks at Building Collapses. Congress Sends Building Collapse Bill to Bush.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NIST News Clips, September 27, 2002 <b>AND</b> Discover, October 2002 <b>AND</b> USA Today, September 25, 2002 <b>AND</b> Chemical and Engineering News, September 23, 2002 <b>AND</b> New York Times, September 18, 2002 <b>AND</b> Associated Press, September 17, 2002 <b>AND</b> Reuters, September 17, 2002,
World Trade Center | high rise buildings | terrorism | terrorists | building collapse | disasters | failure | steel structures | codes | steels
World Trade Center (110-story-high) Towers, Manhattan, New York, September 11, 2001