- Author
- Karpay, B.
- Title
- Comparison of the NBS Variable Base Degree Day and Solar-Load-Ratio Methods for Direct Gain and Attached Sunspace Residential Buildings.
- Coporate
- Karpay Associates, Potomac, MD
- Sponsor
- National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC Department of Energy, Washington, DC
- Report
- NBS GCR 81-319, April 1981, 164 p.
- Distribution
- Not Available from National Technical Information Service
- Keywords
- degree days | energy calculation | passive solar house | SLR method | VBDD method
- Abstract
- A simplified home energy analysis calculation procedure developed by the NBS and called the Variable-Base Degree-Day Method (VBDD) was compared against the SLR (Solar Load Ratio) method developed by the Loas Alamos Scientific Laboratory. The annual heating and cooling requirements for a ranch-type house in ten selected cities throughout the United States were estimated by the two methods, for direct-gain houses and for attached sunspace houses. The agreement found by the comparative using the direct-gain and attached sunspace principles.