- Author
- Miller, W. J.
- Title
- Ions in Flames Evaluation and Prognosis.
- Coporate
- AeroChem Research Laboratories, Inc., Princeton, NJ
- Sponsor
- Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC
- Report
- AeroChem TP 278, April 1972, 39 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Keywords
- ionization | evaluation
- Abstract
- Our knowledge of phenomena involving charged species in flames was last reviewed in Combustion Symposia proceedings by T.M. Sugden in 1964. That was an extremely appropriate time for such a review. Interest in the subject was at its high water mark; several areas of prior investigation had reached the point where definite conclusions could be drawn and several new subjects had been introduced for the first time. Research on ions in flames has ebbed somewhat since 1964. The 10th Symposium included some 20 papers on ionization - this Symposium, fewer than half a dozen. This decrease in volume is certainly not due to a lack of problems in need of further investigation. There are presently more unanswered questions concerning ionization in flames than ever before. The answers to these questions, however, must now be applied to the solutions of a different set of problems than were prevalent in 1964.