FireDOC Search

Buckmaster, J. | Clavin, P. | Linan, A. | Matalon, M. | Peters, N. | Sivashinsky, G. | Williams, F. A.
Combustion Theory and Modeling.
Book or Conf
Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 30th. Proceedings. Volume 30. Part 1. July 25-30, 2004, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Chicago, IL, Chen, J. H.; Colket, M. D.; Barlow, R. S.; Yetter, R. A., Editors, 1-19 p., 2005
combustion | deflagration | chemical reactions | diffusion flames | solid propellants | turbulent combustion | ignition
effects of detailed chemistry; hydrodynamic theory; theory of gaseous deflagrations; partial premixing