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Construction Industry Institute
Organizing for Project Success.
Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
Special Publication 12-2, February 1991, 46 p.
Man's long-time dream of traveling to the moon became history on July 20, 1969, when astronaut Neil Armstrong of the United States took "one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind." Few human endeavors could rival this accomplishment, and few humans fully understand the massive planning, task execution, coordination, and teamwork required to make such a journey possible. It is an historical testimony to the principle of channeling the efforts of a large number of people toward the accomplishment of a single goal - a feat that could not have been realized by any other method. Construction projects raely have historical significance, yet must be planned, organized and executed by teams of people dedicated to the accomplishment of a complex task, just as in the case of a space exploration project. This CII publication addresses method, guidelines, and considerations necessary for successful project organization, key member roles and selection, and the elusive art of effective teamwork. No two construction projects are the same; there is no substitute for common sense and flexibility in the administration and application of these methods and guidelines.