FireDOC Search

Beyer, G.
Flame Retardancy of Thermoplastic Polyurethane and Polyvinyl Chloride by Organoclays.
Kabelwerk Eupen AG Malmedyerstrasse 9 B - 4700 Eupen Belgium
Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 25, No. 1, 65-78, January 2007
organoclays | flame retardants | thermoplastics | polyurethane | polyvinyl chloride | nanocomposites | heat release rates | cables | cone calorimeters | thermogravimetric analysis | morphology | thermal stability | flammability | mass loss | temperature
morphology of TPU-nanocomposite; thermal stability of TPUs by TGA analysis; chain-stripping reactions of PVC by organoclays; time for HCl release of flexible PVC compounds with 5 phr organoclay by direct blending route; time for HCl release of flexible PVC compounds with 7.4 phr organoclay by masterbatches routes; fire performance index of TPUs; mass losses at different temperatures for the organoclays 1 and 4; TGA in air, 20°/min heating rate