- Author
- Hakkarainen, T. | Oksanen, T.
- Title
- Fire Safety Assessment of Wooden Facades.
- Coporate
- VTT-Technical Research Center of Finland, Espoo
- Journal
- Fire and Materials, Vol. 26, No. 1, 7-27, January/February 2002
- Keywords
- facades | wood | fire safety | fire behavior | timber | wooden structures | fire tests | large scale fire tests | plywood | particle board | flame spread | fire retardant treatments | heat flux | flashover | compartment fires | cladding | ignition source | ventilation | fire spread | sprinklers
- Identifiers
- intermediate scale tests; pine and spruce; ventilation cavity cut-off; estimate of heat flux from flames to facade surface; post-flashover compartment fire; effects of proportion of wooden areas; special ventilation structures of eaves; influence of fire room opening size; falling parts