FireDOC Search

Satoh, K. | Zhong, Y. L. | Yang, K. T.
Study of Forest Fire Initiation Due to Lightee Cigarette: Measurement and Observation of Flaming Probability of Dried Leaves.
National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, Tokyo, Japan Science and Technology of China Univ., Anhui Notre Dame Univ., IN
Book or Conf
Thermal Engineering Joint Conferece, 6th ASME-JSME. Proceedings. 2003, 346-353 p., 2003
forest fires | cigarettes | electric heaters | ignition | humidity | hedat release rate | wind velocity | weight loss | temperature
oak leaves; ignition probability; heat input to reach 'ignition' at 0%, 50% and 100% probability; ignition probability of Leaves-A and Leaves-B due to a lighted-cigarette inserted deeply into dried-leaves