- Author
- Buckley, J. B.
- Title
- High-Rise Office Building Smoke Control Systems Involve More Than Ducts and Fans for Complete Fire Safety.
- Coporate
- Naman (I. A.) and Associates, Inc., Houston, TX
- Journal
- ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 91, No. 2, 15-23, 1985
- Report
- HI-85-23 No. 1,
- Keywords
- smoke control | high rise buildings
- Abstract
- In order to have an in-depth discussion of smoke control systems for complete fire safety, this presentation will be limited to high-rise buildings of 75 feet and higher and will highlight the present state-of-the-art smoke control concepts, limitations of fire and smoke control systems, and fire system integration beyond ducts and fan systems. The absolute necessity of fully integrating all fire safety systems in the design, construction, installation, testing, and operation of the building will also be discussed along with the necessity for simplified, reliable automatic fire alarm systems and the practical integration of major building components in addition to smoke control fan systems.