- Author
- Haynes, P. L. | Baitinger, W. F.
- Title
- Industry Regulated Textile Flammability Standards.
- Book or Conf
- Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Improved Fire Safety from Flame Retardancy. Regulations, Standards, Test Methods, Toxicity and Representative Applications., 69-88 p., 1980
- Keywords
- textiles | flammability | standards
- Abstract
- The past twelve years has proved to be a period of significant activitiy concerning textile flammability standard. Before reviewing significant industry contributions to this activity and comparing them with the federally regulated standards, a brief review comparing them with the federally regulated standards, a brief review of federal regulations is presented. Talbe 1 presents dates for both the "finding of need" and effective dates for standards covering wearing apparel, carpets and rugs, mattresses, children;s sleepwear, blankets and upholstered furniture. The last federal regulation covered children's sleepwear sizes 7-14. Activity did not abruptly cease at that time because the goverment spent most of the next two and one-half years in an intensive study of extending flammability standards to all wearing apparel. Feasibility investigations were conducted by government laboratories (such as the National Bureau of Standards) and industy groups. It is of particular note, however, the additional standards have not been issuued for the last five years and reasons for apparent cessation of activity might be profitably explored.