FireDOC Search

Gilman, J. W. | Harris, R. H., Jr. | Hunter, D.
Cyanate Ester Clay Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Flammability Studies.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Southern Clay Products, Inc., Gonzales, TX
Book or Conf
Evolving and Revolutionary Technologies for the New Millennium. International SAMPE Symposium/Exhibition, 44th. Proceedings. Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE). May 23-27, 1999, Long Beach, CA, 1408-1423 p., 1999
nanocomposites | flammability | phenolictriazines | aircraft compartments | fire safety | aircraft interiors
New goals outlined by the U. S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advanced Fire-Safe Aircraft Materials Research Program enumerate an order-of-magnitude improvement in aircraft cabin-material fire safety. In the pursuit of improved approaches to the design of ultra-fire-safe aircraft interior materials, a wide variety of concerns must be addressed in addition to flammability. For many polymers used in the interior of aircraft cost is a major concern for aircraft manufacturers. Therefore, an additive approach to improving the fire safety of polymers is attractive. The additives must be inexpensive and easily processed with the, polymer. In addition, the additive must not excessively degrade the other performance properties of the polymer, and it must not create environmental problems when recycling or at the time of its final disposal. We have recently found that polymer layered-silicate (clay) nanocomposites have the unique combination of improved flammability properties, and improved physical properties as well as recyclability. We report here on the use of a layered silicate, montmorilionitc clay, dispersed at the nanometer level, in cyanate ester resins for improving flammability. We show that the use of melamine-treated montmorillonite in these resins yields exfoliated moutmorillonite in the cured cyanate ester nanocomposites. This reduces the peak heat release rate by over 50%. We anticipate that this nanocomposite approach would be especially useful in improving toughened cyanate ester resins since the typical toughening agents used often increase the flammability and lower the modulus.