FireDOC Search

Blair, D. | Chitrapu, P. | Halford, J. | Hankinson, R. W. | Hutchison, J. P. | Kansal, Y. C. | Mesenbrink, C. | Moran, P. | Olsen, J. | Palmer, M. E. | Ramaker, B. L. | Volpe, J.
Computers in the Chemical Industry.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
Technology Vision 2020: The U.S. Chemical Industry. Information Management Workgroup Technology Manufacturing Competitiveness Task Group. May 1995, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 57-74 p., 1995
computers | construction | manufacturing
The chemical industry has a future vision of a highly efficient and automated manufacturing operation and supply chain. To achieve this vision, data and information must flow in a seamless fashion along the whole supply chain from raw materials suppliers through all the steps of manufacturing operations to the customer. This vision also encompasses the product development chain all the way from product design through construction, operation and retirement of a manufacturing facility. Implied by this vision are computer networks, electronic communication and plug and play software well beyond the current capability.