FireDOC Search

Davis, S. | Villa, K. M.
Development of a Multiple Layer Test Procedure for Inclusion in NFPA 701: Initial Experiments.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
American Textile Manufacturers Institute, Washington, DC American Fiber Manufacturers Association, Washington, DC Cotton Inc., Raleigh, NC Wool Bureau, Woodbury, NY
NISTIR 89-4138, April 1989, 62 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
curtains | drapes | flammability | large scale fire tests | textiles | small scale fire tests
ASTM D3659; NFPA 701
The objectives of this research program are to investigate the flammability behavior of multiple layer fabric assemblies used for draperies and to develop a laboratory-scale test protocol for predicting full-scale fire behavior. The need for such a study arose from recent findings that showed multiple layers of fabrics, comprised of individual fabrics which meet the requirements of NFPA 701, may present a serious fire hazard. Eight combinations of four drapery fabrics and two lining fabrics were examined using variants of two established test procedures for single layers: the ASTM D3659 Semi-Restraint Test Method and the NFPA 701 Large-Scale Test method. The conclusions from this study are that neither of these methods, as currently written, adequately predict the full-scale fire behavior of multiple layer fabric assemblies. Based on the results of this study, it is too early to recommend any test protocol for inclusion in NFPA 701.