- Author
- Melton, C. E. | Wicks, M. | Saldivar, J. T., Jr. | Morgan, J. | Vance, F. P.
- Title
- Physiological Studies on Air Tanker Pilots Flying Forest Fire Retardant Missions.
- Coporate
- Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ
- Report
- AM 68-26, October 1968, 13 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Keywords
- forest fires | air tankers | fire retardants | physiological effects
- Abstract
- The causes of forest fires are many and varied, including sparks from trains, airplane crashes, compfires and unextinguished cigarettes. However, most forest fires are caused by lightning strikes when thunderstorms pass over the great coniferous forests. Since these storms are randomly distributed geographically, probability factors dictate that most of the fires will be in remote areas where they cannot be readily reached with surface vehicles.