- Author
- Murthy, A. V. | Tsai, B. K. | Saunders, R. D.
- Title
- High Heat Flux Sensors Calibration Using Black-Body Radiation.
- Coporate
- Aero-Tech, Inc., Hampton, VA National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Journal
- Metrologia, Vol. 35, No. 4, 501-504, 1998
- Report
- NIST SP 971, August 2001,
- Distribution
- For More Information on NIST SP 971 visit: WEBSITE: http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/866/heatflux/index.htm
- Book or Conf
- NIST SP 971: "Collected Reports and Publications by the National Institute of Standards and Technology on Heat Flux Gage Calibration and Usage.", ['2001', '1998']
- Keywords
- heat flux | sensors | black body
- Abstract
- This paper deals with the radiative calibration aspects of high heat flux sensors using blackbody radiation. Several heat flux sensors were calibrated up to 50kW/m2 in the last two years using a 25 mm diameter aperture variable temperature blackbody and a reference room temperature electrical substitution radiometer. Tests carried out on a typical Schmidt-Boelter heat flux sensor showed long term repeatability of calibration within +-0.6%. Plans for extending the present calibration capability to 100 kW/m2 are discussed.