- Author
- Lemaire, T. | Kenyon, Y.
- Title
- Large Scale Fire Tests in the Second Benelux Tunnel.
- Coporate
- TNO Institute for Building Materials and Construction, Delft, The Netherlands
- Journal
- Fire Technology, Vol. 42, No. 4, 329-350, ['October 2006', '4th Quarter']
- Keywords
- tunnels | large scale fire tests | smoke movement | sprinklers | escape means | tenability limits | fire detection systems | ventilation | fuel pans | automobiles | motor vehicles | temperature | air temperature | stratification | optical density | smoke spread | thermal radiation | instruments | equations
- Identifiers
- 2000/2001 in the Second Benelux Tunnel near Rotterdam, The Netherlands; pan fires; survey of heat release rates, ventilation and use of sprinkler for all tests; critical velocity to prevent back-layering determined from measurements; risk of fire spread to adjacent vehicles; effect of ventilation on fire development; smoke and air temperatures downstream of the fire; smoke front velocities and stratification; tenability conditions downstream of the fire; critical exceeding time for heat limits