FireDOC Search

Dworkin, S. B. | Cooke, J. A. | Bennett, B. A. V. | Connelly, B. C. | Long, M. B. | Smooke, M. D. | Hall, R. J. | Colkert, M. B.
Distributed-Memory Parallel Computation of a Forced, Time-Dependent, Sooting, Ethylene/Air Coflow Diffusion Flame.
Yale Univ., New Haven, CT United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT
Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 13, No. 5, 795-822, October 2009
diffusion flames | soot | soot formation | ethylene | laminar flames | burners | formulations | equations | methodology | soot volume fraction | heat loss | time | color | algorithms
time-varying laminar flames; distributed-memory parallel computation; Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF); burner and flame configuration; parallel implementation; radiation and residence time analysis; comparison of soot and radiation in steady and time-dependent flames; time-dependent soot formation processes; variable and color bar information for each panel