- Author
- Hardalupas, Y. | Whitelaw, J. H.
- Title
- Interaction Between Sprays From Multiple coaxial Airblast Atomizers.
- Coporate
- Imperial College of Science, London, England
- Sponsor
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL
- Contract
- NASA-NAS8-38872
- Book or Conf
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fire, Combustion, and Hazardous Waste Processing. HTD-Vol. 296. November 6-11, 1994, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, NY, Chicago, IL, Acharya, S.; Annamalai, K.; Presser, C.; Skocypec, R. D., Editors, 55-67 p., 1994
- Keywords
- combustion | hazardous materials | waste disposal | sprays | atomizers | aerial explosions | droplet size | velocity
- Identifiers
- liquid flux; Doppler technique