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Domanski, P. A.
Modeling of a Heat Pump Charged with a Non-Azeotropic Refrigerant Mixture. Final Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA
NBS TN 1218, January 1986,
Available from National Technical Information Service
heat pumps; refrigerants; air conditioning
vapor compression refrigeration cycle
An analysis of the vapor compression cycle and the main components of an air-to-air heat pump charged with a binary non-azeotropic mixture has been performed for steady-state operation. The general heat pump simulation model HPBI has been formulated which is based on independent, analytical models of system components and the logic linking them together. The logic of the program requires an iterative solution of refrigerant pressure and enthalpy balances, and refrigerant mixture and individual mixture component mass inventories. The modeling effort emphasis was on the local thermodynamic phenomena which were described by fundamental heat transfer equations and equation of state relationships among material properties. In the compressor model several refrigerant locations were identified and the processes taking place between these locations accounted for all significant heat and pressure losses.