- Author
- Vettori, R. L.
- Title
- Comparison of Fire Dynamics Simulator and FPETool With Data From a Series of Full Scale Experiments. BFRL Fire Research Seminar. VHS Video.
- Coporate
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- Video, March 28, 2000,
- Keywords
- field models | zone models | quick response sprinklers | experiments | sprinklers | residential sprinklers
- Abstract
- The capability of the field model Fire Dynamics Simulator and the zone model FPETool Fire Simulator to predict the activation time of a quick response residential sprinkler is made against data obtained from a series of full-scale experiments. The test series consisted of 45 experiments used to compare the effects of two different ceiling configurations on the activation times of a quick response residential sprinkler. The two ceilings consisted of a smooth horizontal unobstructed ceiling and a horizontal ceiling obstructed with wood joists measuring 0.038 m wide and 0.24 m deep spaced 0.41 m on center. For each of the two ceiling configurations, the fire source, a computer controlled methane gas burner, was placed in three different locations within the room and 2.1 m below the ceiling. The flow of methane gas was controlled as to give three different fire growth scenarios. For the smooth ceiling configurations comparisons with measured activation times will be made with both FPETool Fire Simulator and Fire Dynamics Simulator. For the obstructed/beamed ceiling, comparisons with measured activation times will be made with Fire Dynamics Simulator only.