FireDOC Search

Heskestad, A. W. | Hovde, P. J.
Empirical Prediction of Smoke Production in the ISO Room Corner Fire Test by Use of ISO Cone Calorimeter Fire Test Data.
InterConsult Group ASA, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Fire and Materials, Vol. 23, No. 4, 193-199, July/August 1999
smoke production | cone calorimeters | room fires | corner tests | fire tests | combustion | flashover
smoke generation in bench scale and full scale; data for the group of materials causing flashover within 10 minutes; experimental test data from the ISO Room Corner Fire Test; experimental test data from the ISO Cone Calorimeter Fire Test; development of empirical smoke prediction models; influnce of full scale combustion conditions on smoke production; prediction of full scale smoke production; fire hazard related to visible smoke