FireDOC Search

Floyd, J. E.
Multi-Parameter, Multiple Fuel Mixture Fraction Combustion Model for the Fire Dynamics Simulator.
Hughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, MD
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NIST GCR 08-920, November 2008, 100 p.
fuel mixtures | combustion models | computer programs | standards | mixture fraction | sprinkler spray | fire detection | color | droplets | validation | fire tests | burners | verification
Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS); software coding standard; software quality assurance; mixture fraction enhancements; usability enhancements; support of NIST fire testing; user support; output compression
Work performed during this reporting involved seven major task areas: implementation of modern software development practices along with a coding standard update, mixture fraction enhancements and related changes, addition of numerous enhancements improving the usability and flexibility of FDS for the practicing engineer, verification and validation testing, support of testing at NIST, user support via online bug tracking and discussion forums, and investigation of alternate methods of data output and storage. Details on each task area will be provided in sections 3.0 through 9.0. FDS development began in the 1980's. At the time FDS was little more than a research tool for investigating buoyant flows. The development team consisted of a small group of people within the Building and Fire Research Laboratory. Developers at the time did not envision that FDS would become the gold standard for fire modeling worldwide. Little attention was paid to issues of software quality assurance, formal software testing, and to the impact of coding practices and standards on future development. This approach continued through the release of FDS 4. Given FDS's start as a research tool being developed by researchers at a National lab, the above issues are not surprising. However, with the focus of this grant on greatly expanding the capabilities of FDS, it was clear that changes were needed in how FDS was developed, tested, and maintained.