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National Bureau of Standards
Investigation of Performance Characteristics for Sanitary Plumbing Fixtures. Building Science Series.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Building Research Div.
NBS BSS 022, January 1970,
Available from National Technical Information Service
sanitary engineering, test methods; reinforced plastics; wear resistance; glass textiles; shock resistance; thermal shock; defects (materials); specifications; test methods; impact shock; performance (engineering); standards
plumbing fixtures
The report gives findings and recommendations developed during an investigation of performance characteristics for sanitary plumbing fixtures. The report describes the test methods that are recommended for the evaluation of 16 performance characteristics, and the nature of further work required to complete the development of four or five additional test procedures. The suitability of various existing test methods for evaluating the functional and performance characteristics of sanitary plumbing fixtures was investigated in the laboratory. In addition, new or modified tests for certain characteristics were developed. The laboratory work was performed only on bathtubs and flat specimens provided by industry. Field inspection trips were made to provide the NBS project staff with up-to-date information on certain manufacturing processes and on installation and use problems. The complexities involved in the selection of valid performance levels are discussed, as well as the elements of judgment involved. A format that might be used in specifying performance is suggested for each test procedure, and the rationale underlying each suggested format is given. (Author)