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U.S. Fire Administration
Handbook on Women in Firefighting: The Changing Face of the Fire Service.
U.S. Fire Administration, Washington, DC
FA-128, January 1993, 92 p.
handbooks | women | fire fighters | fire departments | fire fighting training
The purpose of this document is to help the fire service manager cope with the firefighting workforce as it changes from an all-male environment to one that includes women. The handbook offers guidance and suggestions from people who have experience and expertise in the areas that affect women's integration into fire suppression ranks. It takes a wide perspective, and, as is appropriate with personnel issues in general, offers choices and options more often than single "right" answers. The authors hope they have created a guide that, in calling on a wide range of resources, can be useful to a wide range of needs, whether that means one woman firefighter wanting to know where she can find a pair of gloves that fits, or a fire department management team seeking an overview on gender integration issues.