- Author
- Harms, M. | Goschnick, J.
- Title
- Early Detection and Distinction of Fire Gases With a Gas Sensor Microarray.
- Coporate
- Karlsruhe Research Center GmbH, Germany
- Report
- NIST SP 965, February 2001,
- Book or Conf
- International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection "AUBE '01", 12th. Proceedings. National Institute of Standards and Technology. March 25-28, 2001, Gaithersburg, MD, Beall, K.; Grosshandler, W. L.; Luck, H., Editors, 416-431 p., 2001
- Keywords
- fire detection | fire detection systems | fire gases | sensors | gradients | exposure | carbon monoxide | diesel exhust
- Identifiers
- detection principle; gas sensor microarray; gradient technique; microarray test with defined single gas exposures; distinction between different burning materials; distinction between solvents and overheated wire insulation; distinction between fire gases and diesel exhaust