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New York State Department of Health
Public Health Assessment for Rosen Site (a/k/a Rosen Brothers Site), Cortland, Cortland County, New York, Cerclis No. NYD982272734.
Department of Health, NY
Cerclis No. NYD982272734, December 22, 1997, 108 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
health hazards | industrial wastes | waste disposal | industrial plants
toxic substances and disease; Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
The Rosen Brothers site, also know as Scrap King, is a 20-acre abandoned industrial facility in the City of Cortland, Cortland County, New York. Between 1908 and 1971 the site was occupied by Wickwire Brothers, Inc., which manufactured wire, screens and nails. Industrial wastes from Wickwire site operations were disposed on-site or discharged to the municipal sewer system and to Perplexity Creek, which borders the site. Between 1972 and 1980, Philip and Harvey rosen operated a scrap metal processing facility at the site. Municipal, industrial and construction wastes, as well as drums, transformers and other scrap materials were disposed at the site. Past waste disposal practices reportedly included draining of liquid wastes onto the ground surface and crushing and burying drums of liquid wastes in shallow pits. Commercial trash was hauled to the site until 1984.