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Burch, D. M. | Treado, S. J.
Ventilating Residences and Their Attics for Energy Conservation: An Experimental Study.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
NBS SP 548,
Book or Conf
Summer Attic and Whole-House Ventilation. Proceedings. July 1979, 73-104 p., 1979
ventilation | attic | energy conservation | whole house ventilation | soffits
Three identical houses in Houston, Texas were extensively instrumented for measuring their air conditioner energy consumption and ceiling and duct heat-gain rates. Comparative tests were conducted to investigate differences in house performance due to increased attic ventilation. The performances of a roof-mounted power ventilator, a ridge vent, and wind-driven turbines were compared to the performance of soffit venting meeting the requirements of the HUD Minimum Property Standards. The effect of various attic ventilation techniques on the indoor-comfort condition was also investigated.