FireDOC Search

O'Neill, J. G.
Sprinkler-Vent and Spray Nozzle Systems for Fire Protection of Openings in Fire Resistive Walls and Ceilings--The State-Of-The-Art and a Plan for Future Research Work. Final Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
Department of Labor, Washington, DC
NBSIR 78-1571, December 1978, 28 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
sprinkler systems | building codes | smoke movement | spray nozzles | ventilation
A review of literature was conducted to determine the state-of-th-art of automatic sprinkler, sprinkler-vent and spray nozzle methods of protecting openings in fire resistive assemblies. A review of nationally used model building codes and standards indicated that they have varying provisions for these types of systems. Generally, the use of these systems is only applied to escalator openings in fully sprinklered buildings. Previous experimental work, however, demonstrated that these systems can also be effective in preventing passage of heat and smoke through other types of openings in structural assemblies. An outline of a planned research project and a description of the test facility are given. The project will develop design parameters for sprinkler-vent and spray nozzle methods for protecting stairways and other openings through floor ceiling assemblies. Results from this project may suggest improvements to current codes and standards involving these systems and possibly permit their wider use in unsprinklered buildings.