- Author
- Kluge, R. W. | Sparks, M. M. | Tuma, E. C. | Clevenger, R. A. | Robinson, H. E.
- Title
- Investigation of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
- Keywords
- lightweight aggregates | lightweight concretes | gravity | absorption | thermal conductivity
- Abstract
- There is little information available in technical literature concerning the properties of lightweight aggregate concrete. The published data relate principally to the structural properties of concretes containing cinders, slag, or expanded shale. In recent years, a wide variety of lightweight materials, both natural and processed for which there are no technical data available, have been introduced and marketed as concrete aggregate. Recognizing the need for this information and in order to encourge the use of lightweight concrete in the field of housing, the Housing and HomeFinance Agency, formerly the National Housing Agency, sponsored an investigation of lightweight aggregate concrete which was conducted jointly by the National Bureau of Standards and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The study consisted of two parts: (1) tests concerned with the properties of the aggregates themselves and (2) tests to determine the properties of concrete containing various proportions of cement and aggregates.