FireDOC Search

Futterer, T. | Naegerl, H. D. | Mans, V. | Tortosa, E.
New Developments of Intumescence Phosphorous Based Flame Retardants.
Chemische Fabrik Budenheim, Buderheim, Germany Budenheim Lberica, Zaragoza, Spain
Book or Conf
Fire Safety Developments Emerging Needs, Product Developments, Non-Halogen FR's, Standards and Regulations. Proceedings. Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. March 12-15, 2000, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA, Washington, DC, 13-23 p., 2000
fire safety | halogens | fire retardants | flame retardants | standards | regulations | intumescence | phosphorus | coatings | additives | plastics | polypropylene | fire tests | mechanical properties | water | oxygen index | UL 94
Isplen D50 polypropylene; characterisation of the FR's Budit 3077/3076 DC; tensile test parameters for polypropylene compounds; water immersion tests; results of LOI and UL 94 tested polypropylene