- Author
- Karpov, A. I. | Telitsyn, H. P. | Efimova, N. O. | Berdonosov, V. D. | Popovich, S. V.
- Title
- GIS-Based Computer Code for the Evaluation of Forest Fire Spread.
- Journal
- Thermal Science: International Scientific Journal, Vol. 11, No. 17, 259-270, 2007
- Keywords
- forest fires | fire spread | evaluation | flame radiation | fire behavior | computer simulation | equations | fire models | fuels | classifications
- Identifiers
- vegetation fuel; Geographical Information System (GIS); BEHAVE - Fire Behavior Prediction and Fuel Modeling System; FARSITE - Fire Area Simulator; constant parameters of model; classifications of fuel types; parameters of fuels classification; approximation of fire perimeter; framework of the computer code