- Author
- Lee, C. W. | Hall, R. E. | Kryder, G. D. | Springsteen, B. R. | Ryan, J. V.
- Title
- Effects of Copper Contamination on Dioxin Emissions From CFC Incineration.
- Coporate
- Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC Energy and Environmental Research Corp., Irvine, CA Acurex Environmental Corp., Research Triangle Park, NC
- Book or Conf
- University of California, Berkeley. Toxic Toxic Combustion Byproducts. 4th International Congress. ABSTRACTS ONLY. June 5-7, 1995, Berkeley, CA, 77 p., 1995
- Keywords
- combustion | dioxins | copper | contamination | emissions | incinerators | experiments
- Identifiers
- Turbulent Flame Reactor (TFR)