FireDOC Search

George, C. W.
Retardant Salt Concentration Measured in the Field.
Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, UT
USDA Research Note INT-138, June 1971, 14 p.
fire retardants | quality control | effectiveness | phos-chek (trademark)
physical-chemical characteristics of presently used fire retardants; Pyro 11-37-0 salt content as related to specific gravity; Fire-Trol 930 and 934 salt content as related to specific gravity; Phos-Chek 259 salt content as related to specific gravity; Phos-Chek 202 and 202XA salt content as related to specific gravity; Fire-Trol 100 salt content as related to specific gravity; Fire-Trol 931 salt content as related to specific gravity
The effectiveness of long-term fire retardants is related to the concentration of the active fire-inhibiting salt. Quality control at each retardant base is necessary to assure that maximum effectiveness is obtained. This note describes simple field methods for determining the salt content of retardant solutions now in use.