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American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
Flame Retardancy: Moisture Effects. Intersectional Technical Paper Competition.
American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, New Orleans, LA
Technical Paper, 1972, 47 p.
flame retardants | moisture content | fabrics | humidity | kohjin (trademark) | flammability | oxygen index
vertical flame test; manikin burns
Fabrics of various weights and construction, including cotton and cotton-polyester blends, were treated with commercially feasible phosphorus-containing flame retardants, both crosslinking and non-corsslinking types, with variable add-ons. In addition, fabrics with inherent flame retardant qualities such as Kohjin, polyester, Nomex, flame retardant Nomex, nylon, and flame retardant acetate were evaluated. All fabrics were subjected to at least four different relative humidities and flame retardant characteristics were observed by use of the vertical flame test, OI, and manikin burns. Moisture contents of the various fabrics were determined. Rates of absorption of moisture by fabrics worn next to the body were observed. Flame retardancy test results obtained show that moisture effects play an important part in the flammability characteristics of many fibers.