- Author
- Studiengesellschaft Stahlanwendung e.V.
- Title
- Fires in Transport Tunnels. Report on Full-Scale Tests.
- Report
- EUREKA Project EU 499:FIRETUN, November 1995, 511 p.
- Keywords
- tunnels | fire safety | fire protection | large scale fire tests | railroads | ventilation | crib fires | heptane | plastics | fire load | subways | automobiles | fire tests | evaluation | linings
- Identifiers
- Austria; Finland; France; Germany; Great Britain; Italy; Norway; Sweden; Switzerland; test site and equipment of Repparfjord Tunnel in Norway; test site and equipment of Lappeenranta Tunnel in Finland; Fire tests in Repparfjord Tunnel: description and dats; tests regarding safety and emergency: description and data; fire tests in Lappeenranta Tunnel: description and data; evaluation and technical conclusions; laboratory fire tests on tunnel lining systems