FireDOC Search

Morikawa, T. | Yanai, E. | Okada, T. | Sato, K. | Tsuda, Y.
Toxicity of Effluent Gases From a Room Fire Involving Nitrogen-Containing Materials Predominatly in Weight.
Kyourin Univ., Japan Yokohama City Univ., Japan
Report of Research Institute of Japan, No. 72, 1-10, September 1991
room fires | toxicity | nitrogen | fire gases | hydrogen cyanide | chemical analysis
[Abstract in English] A fire experiment was performed in a 2-story fire resistant house, burning nitrogen-containing materials predominantly in one of the first floor rooms. It was mainly aimed to determine the possibility of HCN as No. 1 toxicant in the second floor room into which fire effluent gases invaded by way of the hall and the staircase from the burn room. Although CO and HCN are two major toxicants in fire gases, it was assumed in the particular present full-scale fire experiment that the toxicity due to HCN was larger than in the case of CO when it was taken into consideration the results of chemical analysis of the gases in the second floor room and tests of animals exposed to the same gases.