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Construction Industry Institute
Modularization Decision Support Software (MODEX) - User's Guide.
Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
Special Publication 29-2, May 1992, 65 p.
construction | expert systems
MODEX is an expert system application that determines the feasibility of modular construction technology for a particular process or power plant construction project. The MODEX (MODularization EXpert) decision support system is primarily intended for project executives in construction owner organizations charged with the responsibility for selection of design and construction alternatives for industrial process plants. A secondary group of users will be engineering management staff in construction firms assigned a task of assisting the owner in selecting a suitable plant design. MODEX is meant for use in early conceptual stages of decision making in process or power plant design. The type of design will significantly affect the construction and the life cycle of the plant. Therefore, direct knowledge of construction related project issues has been incorporated in the decision making scheme. It is intended for use by owners and contractors after preliminary project definition studies have been made. Users respond to a number of multiple choice questions and, using these responses, MODEX calculates a confidence factor between 0 and 100 for using modular technology. (A confidence factor of 100 means that the confidence for modularization is 100%). MODEX also provides approximate comparison figures for selected cost parameters, giving the user a relative estimate of cost differences that could occur using modular construction for the project.